There are very occasions when the trailer for a film will make you say: "Wow, this is going to be the best fucking movie ever." It seems that most of the time, it's either, "This might be alright," or, "This could either be really funny, or a kidney stone," or the dreaded, but inevitable "The Love Guru 2."
J.C.V.D. came out in France and other European countries several months ago; however, the inexcusable and horrific shame is that due to its "Independent Foreign Film" status, it may go unseen. Not that foreign films are overlooked by any means...but with the trash that comes out on a massive scale from film companies, this diamond will remain quietly packed in mud.
Jean-Claude Van Damme hasn't exactly dropped off the face of the Earth, just the face of America. And his films (at least his American films) have never been much to brag about (coughcoughTimecopcoughcough).
In this movie, Van Damme plays himself as an Action Star cunt who finds himself in deep financial trouble, loses his daughter, and (I guess) decides to rob a bank in Belgium.
Judging a film by its trailer has never really let me down in the past, but I have missed out on some possibly-decent movies due to the shitty and unwatchable trailers.
So, we'll have to see about this one.
I could probably see if I could get my hands on a bootleg French version, and if I do, I'll talk more about it...or just wait a week and see it in theaters.
There's really not much more I can say except that this movie looks funny as balls, dramatic, and fucking kick ass.
Watch the trailer (and try not to have a burst of manly-ness surge through your scrotum. I dare you.)
J.C.V.D. came out in France and other European countries several months ago; however, the inexcusable and horrific shame is that due to its "Independent Foreign Film" status, it may go unseen. Not that foreign films are overlooked by any means...but with the trash that comes out on a massive scale from film companies, this diamond will remain quietly packed in mud.
Jean-Claude Van Damme hasn't exactly dropped off the face of the Earth, just the face of America. And his films (at least his American films) have never been much to brag about (coughcoughTimecopcoughcough).
In this movie, Van Damme plays himself as an Action Star cunt who finds himself in deep financial trouble, loses his daughter, and (I guess) decides to rob a bank in Belgium.
Judging a film by its trailer has never really let me down in the past, but I have missed out on some possibly-decent movies due to the shitty and unwatchable trailers.
So, we'll have to see about this one.
I could probably see if I could get my hands on a bootleg French version, and if I do, I'll talk more about it...or just wait a week and see it in theaters.
There's really not much more I can say except that this movie looks funny as balls, dramatic, and fucking kick ass.
Watch the trailer (and try not to have a burst of manly-ness surge through your scrotum. I dare you.)
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