Lots of unpleasantness going on in the minds and hearts of the Super Dudes Power Squad, but if anything can serve as a temporary distraction (aside from getting liquored up and embarrassing an old friend in a Taxi Cab) it's the Video Game Expo!
The Pennsylvania Convention Center was bumping this weekend--
okay, maybe "bumping" is the wrong word...Let's say "bouncing up and down nonchalantly."
And I say that for two reasons.
1. Because it was one the largest conglomerate of creeps and weirdos that I've ever seen and cared to fraternize with.
2. Because I literally saw a group of teens in costumes bouncing up and down nonchalantly like they were part of the fucking Lollipop Guild.
Friday afternoon, Super Dudes Power Squad was at the Expo from 12pm-6pm. And evidently, a lot of super-geeks DO have jobs!
The turnout on Friday was decent, but not very impressive.
Saturday, SDPS was there for a short period of time...just to check out the atmosphere and additions to the Expo.
Saturday was packed...and evidently went on until 1am (jesusfuckingchrist).
There was an Anime-Fest on the lower level as well as a series of Dance Dance Revolution contests featuring 30+ people at the same time. Madness.
My girlfriend tried to get me to enter the contest, but it's so much easier to make fun of people when you don't actively participate in their antics.
...plus DDR is too hard for me.
The Expo was more about small companies demonstrating their wares, Schools and Indie Game Developers recruiting, and demonstrators giving away free shit...some pretty nice shit, too.
The only tables selling anything were:
1. A few people selling a ridiculous assortment of antiquated video games and consoles. Embarrassing collections of Sega CD games...and a Virtual Boy that probably no longer displays red.
2. T-Shirts, and plenty of them. I was looking for a shirt that was just nerdy enough NOT to get my ass kicked, but couldn't find one.
I think the geekiest shirt that was available displayed an illustration of Dali's "The Persistence of Memory" but instead of CLOCKS, it showed melting DALEKS...
The caption was "Salvador Dalek."
3. A troll of a woman (literally) selling Fantasy-based knick knacks and all kinds of kitschy nonsense.
VGxPO Highlights (for kids!):
1. Dig Philly and Gamestop's comfy chairs (also featuring a demo of Left 4 Dead; but how immersed can you get in a game with a sweaty teenager standing over you, breathing heavily? You could play the game for 10 minutes, but by then your winter coat would have completely absorbed the pungent aroma of B.O. and Old Spice.)
2. Jedi Knights. Yes, that's right...and Sith Lords too, I believe. These people actually develop their own lightsaber replicas and act out "EPIC" battles on stage in front of tens of people!
You know how you may go to a Renaissance Fair and kind of let yourself be a part of a few hours of childish make believe...and then when you go home, you continue living your life?
Just wondering...
Well, this was the Star Wars equivalent to the Renaissance Fair Joust--
--except, no actual contact is made, no training is necessary, you don't have to be in any kind of shape, or know how to do much of anything...
You don't even have to take off your glasses, apparently...
but unfortunately, I think registration is currently closed.
...at least that's what they'll tell you; whether or not you ask.
3. Super Dudes Power Squad discovered a wonderful surprise on Saturday.
We knew they were there on Friday; however, we didn't pay them any mind...
On Saturday, we discovered Fighters High.
Now you may be asking yourself: "What the fuck is Fighters High?"
And rightly so!
Actually, part of me is still asking the same question.
Fighters High is an independently-made "television show."
Of course, it's not actually on television, and it's not really a show--
--so my description falls short about 100%.
It's a series of episodes depicting a variety of Martial Arts/Anime stereotypes as High School students who duke it out (sometimes using magic!!!) on a daily basis.
Essentially, that's all there is to it...but it is the GREATEST THING EVER!!!!!
...in the same way, of course, that Super Mario Bros was the best movie ever.
There were other neat little things going on...but none to specifically highlight.
I left vgXpo with several Suicide Girls stickers, some buttons, a free Destroy All Humans bobblehead, and a T-Shirt/DVDs from Fighters High.
I hope everyone had a magical time...
...check out the PICTURE PAGE for more, suckas!!
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