Anyways, if you check this site at all (and at this point, you probably don't), you may notice or be interested to know that Super Dudes Power Squad has been taking advantage of Twitter.
I think from now on I'll try to post more often. At least I'll have something to do then.
Even though I have no idea how many views this site gets (if any), I'll just throw out there that I would like to thank those four or five individuals for making "Bother Dave Day" a hypothetical success.
It was a success in that it actually worked (to an extent...people did actually send him e-mails); however, he is still yet to post anything since the Phillies' big win...
I'm sure he will soon, and then I can pimp his writing all over Twitter's face.
One more point about Twitter:
I've noticed that there are other twitter-rip-offs that I think would benefit this site greatly. My favorite that I've found so far is Twatr, although I don't think it exists anymore... The name alone reeks of creativity, IMO.
There's also Boobik, but it fucking sucks...and it's all Europeans.
A quick update to my posts on The Force Unleashed and LittleBIGplanet...
If you haven't played either of these games yet, you need your fucking head examined. The Playstation Network has just released more add-ons to LittleBIGplanet, and a surprise add-on to The Force Unleashed.
The Force Unleashed: Everyone who has played this game knows that you can change costumes within the game, which is pretty neat. But, now, if you purchase the add-on...you can play the game as Luke Skywalker, and various other Jedi and Sith Lords. I know, I sound like a TFN (total fucking nerd) right now, but if the game has any replay value AT ALL...it is due to this downloadable content.
LittleBIGplanet: So far, PSN has added several new costumes for Sackboy to the mix...so however cute, or mildly retarded, you've made your character, now he can also wear a gorilla suit, or a frog suit...or other ridiculous suits that you'll probably never use but are awesome nonetheless.
I'm holding out hope that PSN releases some better LBP like new props, stickers, levels, etc.
Also, I am currently working on my first LBP level. I'll let you know when it's finished. For now, it's frustratingly cool.
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