In the passing days, it seems that we're growing closer to the format of Penny Arcade. For those of you who don't know Penny Arcade...wtf?
For those of you who do know of Penny Arcade, and are starting to notice the similarities between our sites, good for you.
I figure it's the duty of any newcomer Geek Site to learn from the best, and Penny Arcade has accomplished a lot. They have their own Gaming Expo for fuck's sake.
The work of Tycho (Keith Gerald "Jerry" Holkins) and Gabe (Mike Krahulik) is well respected. Not only do they host a gaming expo (paX), but also a children's charity called "Child's Play" that provides kids' games for hospitized youth. I may be a cynical dick, but that's pretty noble.
I guess if the kids with cancer don't like video games, they can suck it.
On the eve of Penny Arcade's 10th birthday, I thought I would bring them up and how much I appreciate what they do.
That being said, I don't know whether I'm not a big enough gamer, or not a big enough Role Playing Geek, but a lot of their articles and comics make absolutely no fucking sense to me.
If this site had any more viewers, I would expect a barrage of angry comments about that statement; however, if I didn't get any shit for my comments about Mega Man, I think I'll be alright.
Thanks Tycho and Gabe. Keep up the good work. And Happy Decade!!
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