As some of you may have discovered (somehow we neglected to spread the word), we have a post on CraigsList encouraging anyone to send us any kind of material or website (that they created or have a personal connection to) and we will review it.
I'm not exactly sure what would prompt someone to do such a thing...but obviously they don't know us yet. I don't want to be a total dick...so I'll look at a few of the websites we received objectively...and then I will offer my opinion; for what it's worth.
So, without stalling any further, let's get to some reviews!
This is a Blogspot site much like our current domain. It is piloted by "Princess Honah" (or Anastasia Beaverhausen), a twenty seven year old blogger from Bumblefuck, Pennsylvania with a knack for keeping track of her daily goings-on.
There isn't much to say about the blog itself. It's relatively clean and well-maintained. There's no clutter and (like our blog, currently) almost no Comments. Objectively, it's a weblog. Nothing less, but sadly, nothing more. I like the style, passion, humor, and personality Honah/Anastasia/Whatthefuck brings to this endeavor, though. Her personality makes it stand out; however, what does it stand out from?
I usually don't bother with daily bloggings...They're annoying and only serve to give the disgruntled author a false sense of purpose and importance. This blog takes a few steps beyond the mundane details of life and brings style and flair to the equation. And that's a good thing!
There's also a podcast that I couldn't get into; but if you like the idea of listening to the daily happenings in the life of a woman inching ever-closer to thirty...it'd be right up your alley! Hey, she's got a nice voice!
She describes her work as "a gay-friendly podcast" which is...good, I guess? I'm not 100% sure what that means aside from the fact that it's not a "gay unfriendly podcast." I'd imagine our website is a "gay friendly website" as well. We sat down and listened to the podcast for awhile. It's not my thing, but I can't complain too much. The only real criticism I have is that the "episodes" are far too long for my taste.
I linked to Sylvea's Artbreak site above, but here is her Blogspot Address as well. The reason I chose to link to the Artbreak site is because that's all you really need.
Sylvia Johnson from Portsmouth, NH is an artist (really? Yes, really!). The blogspot address has a few explanations of the artist's process and insight into her world, although I'm not sure it is a world that particularly interests me.
Sylvia's art is very interesting, however. Her paintings have a rolling psychedelic quality like a Salvador Dali Lava Lamp. To say that they are pretty pictures with no actual content would be a stretch, so I won't say it...I'll just think it.
The work obviously has meaning to Sylvia. The main purpose of her art is to stimulate the imagination and for the viewer to come to his own conclusions.
My conclusions are: Pretty cool--but where's the "Play" button? Let's get these bitches moving!!
3. ZachOsif.com
This review request came with a "Sure, Why Not?" As if Zach sought us out on CraigsList on some kind of alcohol-induced whim (which is incidentally how I wind up purchasing things on the Playstation Network).
Zach is an artist with a MySpace account--which is such a rarity in today's America, you know? I had made a MySpace for Super Dudes Power Squad, but I deleted it within the same week. I fucking hate MySpace.
Anyways, let's get back on topic, shall we? For a moment, seeing that Zach had a YouTube account, I got excited! Then I saw that his account is just a collection of other people's videos that he likes and I murmured "fuck."
The star attraction of course is his MAIN website, which I admittedly haven't been building up to very appropriately. His artwork is fucking awesome. Zach's paintings are a combination of Oil, Acrylic, and Latex on Canvas, mostly having to do with Controversy, War and Pop Culture. Doesn't sound too original, but the cliche works.
His art has a kind of Grand Theft Auto IV look...which, whether or not this was his intention, brings life and immediacy to his work.
And in the words of the great Forrest Gump: "That's all I have to say about that."
Want us to Review your shit?? Drop us a line at SuperDPS@gmail.com
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