Last week, I introduced a new feature to this blog called "Trailers of the Week" in which I choose the top three movie previews of the week (not necessarily in any order), and talk about why they're awesome.
Unfortunately, this week, I haven't seen much of a surge in exciting trailers. I wanted to at least post something, so it doesn't look like I'm crapping out. I tried! Really, I did...
For the sake of argument, let's explore some of what I did find.
First, I'll get the obvious out of the way...
Zack Snyder, the director of 300, holds in his hands what is sure to be the masturbatory fantasy for geeks and fanboys everywhere for years to come (no pun intended).
I must admit, I've never read the source material; however, I have been watching the Itunes "Featured TV Season" of Watchmen on PSN.
A group of professional fanboys (I'd imagine) with a lot of spare time decided to cut and paste their way through the entire graphic novel, bringing the actual pages and illustrations to life.
I did a half-assed trailer-version of this technique with Daniel Clowes' The Death Ray.
Watchmen should be the best superhero movie ever made.
I'm expecting it to make much much less money than The Dark Knight, but be an overall better film.
The only reason I can say that with confidence is because I've pretty much always had a soft spot in my heart for any Superhero who isn't Batman.
I'm not saying that I have a problem with Batman...he's just never been one of my favorites.
Maybe after Watchmen, I can hold out hope for a film adaptation of The Tick.
2. Special
From a not-quite-traditional Superhero movie, we go to a not-quite-superhero movie...
Michael Rapaport gets shit on left and right. His sitcom sucked taint and his parts in movies are usually more irritating than sand paper rubbed with cat hair and black pepper, sharpened to a point, dipped in shampoo, and jabbed into someone's eye.
Which was why it came as a surprise that this film, featuring Michael Rapaport as the main character looks so fucking cool.
Rapaport plays a somewhat reclusive comic book nerd who volunteers himself to take an experimental anti-depressant. He then begins to have delusions that he is a superhero...or are they delusions? Am I having delusions that this movie is going to be better than I anticipate?
But it still looks like it has the potential to be very very cool, so suck it.
3. Astro Boy
Mixed feelings about this one. While it is fucking ASTRO BOY the fucking MOVIE, I'm sort of ambivalent about it being any good.
On one hand, it's animated...which could be good or bad.
Good--It's already in a medium that leans towards children, so being a childish movie won't hurt it. Astro Boy was definitely a children's cartoon, therefore, it's completely understandable that it should remain in animated (but updated) form.
Bad--A live-action version of Astro Boy could be fucking sick! However, the complaints about Speed Racer may beg to differ. I haven't seen Speed Racer yet, so I can't comment. But still, animated is probably for the best.
It's an all-star cast...it's going to make some serious bank...and the toy sales should probably counter the ticket sales.
Well, that's it, everyone! I hope you enjoyed yourselves as much as I did...tune in next week and maybe I'll be slightly more excited about my 3 picks.
I'm excited about Watchmen and Special, but Astro Boy I could take or leave...
Oh well.
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