Okay, Super Dudes...it appears to be that time again. That time is, of course: Monday-Time.
And "Monday-Time", of course, means it's time to talk about the most exciting movie or game trailers I've seen lately.
Unfortunately, I have very little to say this week.
When we treat ourselves to Movie and Game trailers, we tend to only be massively disappointed by the actual movie/game that we pay $10 to see.
I think, at the moment, there are a handful of films that I am actually looking forward to. And when I say this, I mean that I actually will consider paying money to see them!
I may be forgetting some, but the ones that stand out (and are coming out in the near future) are:
The mention of STAR TREK may be pushing it. I believe that's still a few months away.
Anyways...the three trailers of the day were going to be:
Wolverine looks like it may be the best movie to bear the X-MEN label. It has a great cast, and characters (like Gambit) that I've been dying to see.
God of War III is intriguing. I've never actually played a God of War game but I sortof know what to expect. It looks overwhelmingly beautiful, stylized and (most importantly) FUN.
Brutal Legend, is tough to describe. On one hand, it looks like it could be an absolutely terrible game. On the other hand, the character, animation, and Jack Black combination could actually make it fun. I guess we'll have to see. The trailer only premiered at the Video Game Awards.
The REASON I said that those were "going to be" my picks is because I'm doing something a little different tonight.
I was much more impacted by another trailer I saw...
...a trailer for (what could potentially be...the worst movie ever made).
I'm speaking, of course, about FIRED UP!...
Starring two actors who are eerily familiar, but not good enough to hold up their own movie...this high school comedy makes no fucking sense to the point that it actually made me angry to watch.
The synopsis attempts to make it sound like it's a story that hasn't ever been done before, when in reality, it's a story that's been done (literally) to death. And when I say "done"--I mean "FUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKKKED."
The premise is: Two college football players, who may be jerks, but they're really (deep down) the sensative type. Decide to go to a Cheerleading Camp and pretend to be Cheerleaders so they can (maybe?) get laid.
Now...from the trailer, you can deduce that there is the "One Obligatory Snippy Girl Who Knows What Their Plans Are From The Start."
And the main character is in love with her (of all people), because...why not??
You go to a camp full of 300 girls and you pick the one girl that you have no chance with.
Oh, but I'm sure he has a chance.
In fact, I would bet any conceivable amount of money that they wind up together in the end.
Nothing about this movie looks appealing. Sometimes you see a trailer and you say to yourself: "That looks fucking awful."
...but there's usually something about it that makes you consider that SOMEONE is going to see this movie...this movie is SOMEBODY'S type of film.
FIRED UP! doesn't seem to be anyone's type.
(and I actually sat through The Love Guru)
The only reason that I'm not actively boycotting the cunts off of Sony Pictures is because I am in the Nuggnut Hall of Fame now, and I need to keep up appearances, behaving accordingly...
And while I'm on the subject, Universal, stop making fucking American Pie movies!
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